Do you want to join our Staff and become a member of the Feffa’s Family?

Feffarkhorn is an ever-growing party: in order to guarantee you the best possible experience under every aspect, we need, above all, YOU!💪
If you want to join our CLAN, contributing to the Festival, contact us by filling out the following form. The staff manager will get back to you and we’ll all be happy to give you the warmest welcome in our big Family!
To be part of Feffarkhorn requires commitment and dedication, but also a good dose of joy, will to have fun and to entertain.🥳

If you think you have this characteristics and skills, then you are who we are looking for!

    Personal Info
    *Let’s get to know each other better: YesNo YesNo ExcellentGoodScholasticNone Info PointBarSecurityCommunication/Advertising/MarketingCashierStagehand/PorterOther YesNo Thursday 23/09/07Friday 23/09/08Saturday 23/09/09Sunday 23/09/10Monday 23/09/11
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  • By submitting this form I consent to the processing of data in accordance with the EU Decree 679/2016

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